Rules for Prestige-Loyalty-Human Influence-Combat
Vampire Lords

Vampire Prestiges

Vampie Biographies

The Four Bloodlines

Vampire Society and Sites of Power


Character Creation

Rumours and Site registry

Prestige and Empire Points


Success in the game is measured by survival and prestige. Here are the things you can do in the game to gain and lose prestige.

Increasing Prestige Through Combat

Attacking a rival, regardless of the success: +10 prestige

Capturing Rival Stronghold of Peer: +25 prestige

Capturing Rival Stronghold of Noble +50 prestige

Capturing Rival Stronghold of Vampire Lord: +100 prestige

Kill Rival Specialist: +20 prestige

Kill Rival Peer: +50 prestige

Kill Rival Noble: +100 prestige

Kill Rival Vampire Lord: +200 prestige

If Bloodhunt called on the vampire killed, add 50 prestige to that vampire's death. A Bloodhunt called on a vampire is always worth at least 50 prestige

Site of Power taken from Rival: +20 prestige

The amount of prestige gained is magnified or diminished by the following formula.

Vampires attacking up (individuals attacking Peers, Peers attacking Lords, etc) gain 50% more prestige.

Vampires attacking the same level (Peers attacking Peers, Lords attacking Lords etc.) gain the Prestige listed,

Vampires attacking down (Peers attacking individuals, Lords attacking Peers, etc) gain 50% less prestige.

Increasing Prestige Through Peaceful Means

Urban, Haiti, Sleepy Hollow or Jerusalem's Lot occupied: +10 prestige

Site of Power occupied consistently for one year: +10 prestige

Sitting on the High Council: +50 prestige

Gathering Occult Artifacts: variable

Solving certain mysteries as they are presented: variable

Nobody gets prestige or empire points for a site or combat without claiming the capture of a site or the defeat of an enemy at the council.

Losing Prestige

Lose Stronghold: -100 prestige

Lose Specialist: -10 prestige

Lose Site of Power: -10 prestige

Being removed from the High Council: -75 prestige

Having the Blood Hunt called on one of your minions: -10 prestige

Having the Blood Hunt called on you: -25 prestige

Gaining Empire Points

Gain 10 Empire points a month.

Gain 5 additional Empire points per site in your control.

Gain 5 additional Empire points for Sunnydale or New Orleans.

Gain 5 additional Empire points if sitting on the High Council.

Gain 1 Empire point per point of prestige newly earned this month.

For every 150 Empire points gained, choose a new specialist.



Loyalty is dictated by prestige with other modifiers.

  • Leaders of the Blood of Judas get +100 to their loyalty score.
  • Charismatic Specialists add +40 to their loyalty score.
  • Permanent loyalty bonuses can be purchased that give either +40 or +100
  • Vampires of the same Blood as the leader get a bonus +40 to their personal loyalty score.
  • Werewolf slaves get negative 100 to their personal loyalty score.

Loyalty can affect combat ability. It determines how easily your people will turn against you.

Treacherous: Loyalty of negative 201 or less negative 2 to combat. +40% to spymaster's ability to recruit spies.

Disloyal: Loyalty of negative 200 to negative 1 negative 1 to combat +20% to spymaster's ability to recruit spies.

Average: Loyalty of 0 to 200 no modifiers

Loyal: Loyalty of 201 to 400 +1 in combat immune to spymaster recruitment.

Fanatic: Loyalty of 401 and more +2 in combat immune to spymaster recruitment.

Human Influence and Combat

Human Influence

Vampires with 0-49 prestige collect 1 human influence point a month

Vampires with 50 to 99 prestige collect 2 human influence point per month.

Vampires with 100-199 prestige collect 3 human influence points per month.

Vampires with 200 or more prestige collect 4 human influence points per month.

Human influence may be traded with other vampires.

Each month, there is a chance for human interference. If human interference is indicated, human influence may be spent to mitigate this.

  • Federal human governmental group (FBI, CDC, Secret Service, IRS, NSA, etc) discovers vampires.
  • Human media (TV, newspaper) discovers vampires
  • Local human governmental group (police) discovers vampires
  • Human individual discovers vampires.

It will cost 10 human influence points to negate the federal government group.

It will cost 8 human influence points to negate the media.

It will cost 4 human influence points to negate the local government group.

It will cost 2 human influence point to negate an individual.

Leaders who are of the Blood of Judas halve the cost of any of these negations.

At GM's discretion, the cost of human influence may be increased depending on the covertness (or lack of) of the vampire's activities.

Unless stated otherwise, it is assumed that vampires will spend all points available to negate any interfering human group.



Melee Round

Roll Power

Each unit on both sides rolls its power or less on a die 10. Each success is a potential kill. The loser determines which units are the potential kills. You can only have as many potential kills as there are defenders.

Roll Defense

The potential kills can survive if they roll beneath their defense on a d10. If the defense is successful, the unit survives and the loss is not reassigned.

Roll for Desertion

Common Unit StrengthsTen skeletons (one unit): Power 1.

Ten human troops (one unit), standard: Power 1

Ten human troops, (one unit) commando: Power 3.

Vampire, Blood of Lillith: Power 4. Defense 3

Vampire, Blood of Caine: Power 6. Defense 3

Vampire, Blood of Ham: Power 4. Defense 1.

Vampire, Blood of Judas: Power 4. Defense 1.

Werewolf, slave: Power 5. Defense 3.Unit Strength Modifiers

Warriors: +3 power

If leader is of the Blood of Caine, add +1 to power

If the unit carries a weapon made by a weaponsmith: +1 to power

If the unit wears armour made by an armourer: +1 to defense

If the unit is lead by a marshall: +1 to power

If unit is defending a stronghold and lead by security: +2 to power


Treacherous: -2 to combat 10% chance to desert

Disloyal: -1 to combat 5% chance to desert

Average: no modifiers

Loyal: +1 in combat will not desert

Fanatic: +2 in combat will not desert

Add 5% to chance of desertion if outnumbered at least by 3 to 1.


  • The number and type of troops.
  • Where they are attacking.
  • Conditions of attack. For example, I will attack only if my ally has committed at least 5 vampires to the combat.
  • Conditions under which you want to break off the attack. For example, I will fight until all my minions are dead, or I will fight until it looks like I am losing, or I will fight until I am down to 5 minions, etc.


Daylight combat are subject to the following restrictions.

  • Humans and werewolves function as usual.
  • Demons may not operate during the day.
  • Vampires on the defense (sleeping) may not participate in the first round of combat. They may participate in the second round of combat at –1 power. They may participate in the third and subsequent rounds without penalty. A security specialist modifiers these penalties.
  • Vampires may not attack during the day.
  • Additional penalties may be assigned given suboptimal combat conditions.

Optional: Rather than fighting to kill, you may fight to capture.